Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Hermana Bautista

Compañera #4, remember her?  The one I've been spending all my time with for the past five weeks but haven't told you anything about?  Yeah, I'm about to fix that.
4th Companion - Hermana Bautista de Mexico City

Now let's cut right to the best part, Fun Facts about Hna. Bautista:
  • She doesn't know ANY English.
  • She's from Mexico City, Mexico.
  • 23 years old BUT her birthday is the 12 of this month.  Felicidades!
  • She studied and graduated from law school.... yeah, she's a lawyer.  So imagine how she teaches.
  • An AMAZING missionary.  I mean she really knows her stuff.
  • One of her greatest dreams is to one day eat spaghetti with her hands.
  • She likes to exercise each morning with one of those giant bouncy balls.
  • She dies her hair Red Velvet, but just dark enough to where it doesn't look too crazy for a missionary.
  • She is obsessed with this singing fish that she bought in Los Sobre Ruedas the other day.  You know, one of those that look like they were mounted up on the wall.  It sings the same cheesy song over and over again and she loves it.  She doesn't even understand what it says because it's in English, but she loves it.
  • She finds the strangest things hilarious in the scriptures.  We will be in the middle of personal study and she'll start crack'n up at something she read or saw.  One time she found a smiley face ex: :) at the end of a verse and she could not stop laughing.

Story time:
Probably our first or second week together she told me one morning that something odd had happened the night before.  She woke up due to a noise, and after listening for a bit asked herself, "Hna. Lance is practicing lesson 1?"  But then she looked over and saw that I was still sleeping.  I WAS SLEEP TALKING IN SPANISH!!!  And not just sleep talking, but sleep teaching.  She said that I gave all of lesson one and bore my testimony on the Libro de Mormon.  And that my Spanish was perfect.  Sadly, she didn't get a recording of it.  But for the silver lining, I'm sleep teaching in Spanish now.  Score!

But really, it's been a ride being companions with Hna. Bautista.  I've learned a lot from her in many different ways.  This transfer has gone by so fast.  I can't believe that los translados are next week again.  We'll have to see if the President keeps us together for another transfer or not.  What a cliff hanger right?

1 comment:

  1. Hermana Bautista sounds like an Elect Lady straight from Heaven, except for that"eating spaghetti with her hands". The two f you are definitely the Dynamic Duo, especially if you are sleep talking Spanish. The Gift of Tongues should be for when you are conscious. The Church needs more sisters like you two. Give her a hug from your Abuela.
